Dodd Oilfield Tools coil tubing tools include Self Excited Pulsating Tool, various nozzle configurations including our Smart Nozzle. All sizes from 1.25"OD and up to 3" OD. Our Drill Bit Subs can be run on coil tubing on any motor and any bit.
1.25" Coil Tubing Tool, Smart Nozzle, Double Check Valve and Roll On Connector
2.875" API Reg. Bit Sub
1.25" Coil Tubing 7 hole smart nozzle
As you run in the hole all 7 jets are open.
If you tag the back jets will be shut off first then the side jets. The down jet at this point has the full power of all the jets to remove the obstruction. when the obstruction is removed all jets will automatically reopen.
These two frames of a video of the Dodd Bit Sub. The frame on the left side shows the balls of fluid being ejected from the bit sub through the bit. as you can see there is a void below. The frame on the right shows the void above the balls of fluid with the next group forming.